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Shobdon Landing in a PA28 from Bristol Aero Club
Landing at Shobdon in a PA28
PA28 Welshpool - Shobdon VFR | ATC Audio
My first trial flight in the Piper PA-28 at Shobdon Airfield
PA28 Archer Landing at Shobdon
Takeoff from Shobdon Airport - 14/12/24 - PA28
Shobdon Airfield departure PA28
G-BNOP Piper PA-28 landing at Shobdon airfield
Pipper PA-28 landing at Shobdon Airfield
Piper PA-28 landing at Shobdon Airfield
Where's the airfield gone? We couldn't find Shobdon (EGBS).
Landing a PA28 Warrior at Shobdon in 2011